Record 2 | Lost Key

Record 2

Record #2

February 21 2013
Today, I started searching for all the information I could find on Mariana’s Webon the surface net. Ironic, huh? Using surface web search engines to accesslevels in the Deep Web.


First, I tried different variations of the word Mariana’s Web in the URL bar,just to see if any websites were relevant.


When I found Mariana-web.com, I was getting excited. That didn’t last long, when I realized it was actually a Japanese beauty website and not anything to do with the famed Level Five.


When I tried Mariana-web.net, I found nothing. The domain name didn’t exist. It was the same with Mariana-web.co.uk.


The simplest variation, Mariana.com, turned out to be for sale. Mariana.co.uk also was a domain for sale. I might have to check what they had on them before going up for sale, see if I hit anything.


When I entered Mariana.net, I thought I might actually have something. It simply had the words ‘Mariana Net’ and two blue stripes. I checked them and apparently they were called ‘marble1.gif’, a picture. I have no idea what it means.

当我进入Mariana.net的时候,我觉得我可能在其中会有什么发现。但是上面只写着“Mariana Net”和两条蓝色条纹。我检查了一下,显然它们的名字是“marble1.gif”,是一张图片。我不知道这是什么意思。

So much for website searching.


Thus started my trawling of blogs and forums.


There was one particularly interesting definition of Mariana’s Web I came across. I’ll post what they said.


“Mariana’s Web is a type of structured architecture in which code disobeys many laws of quantum dynamics. It is an unstable environment in most situations but when accessed under certain conditions, the architecture is warped and becomes more stable for the user. I’m not sure what the conditions are because I am not able to access Mariana’s Web, unfortunately. Code that does not obey conventional quantum law is highly valuable and also highly inaccessible. Many people seek to destroy the type of code that is available on Mariana’s Web because of what it is capable of.”


Great, so now we have quantum physics involved? This just gets better and better.


Yes, that was sarcasm.


I’ll try and get into contact with the person who posted that online, but according to the forum it was posted in, it was posted on the third of March, 2012. The last post in that thread was on the first of July 2012. It’s now the twenty first of February, 2013. I doubt I’ll get any reply to a message, but it can’t hurt to try.


What I found surprising was that although many of these people had horrible spelling and grammar (let’s face it, look at schools today) most of them still knew who Nikolas Tesla was.


For those who are clueless:


Nikolas Tesla was an inventor. He was Serbian-American (I assume that’s half and half of each). He worked for Thomas Edison for a while, the man who invented the lightbulb.


Tesla’s most famous for his electricity work, but he did other things as well. He tried to make wireless transmissions, like the radios and mobile phones we have nowadays. It failed, and his experiments were never finished, but it inspired so many people.


He also created a death ray, which was named Teleforce. It was a ‘macroscopic charged particle beam’ weapon. No, I have no idea what it means either.


When you read that Tesla thought about building or had claimed to have built death rays, force fields, earthquake machines, a thought camera, machines to talk to the dead… it’s easy to see why there are so many modern conspiracies about him.


Yes, even about the Deep Web, which didn’t exist when he was alive.


It ranges from rumours that his experiments worked, and the plans and blueprints are hidden in some of the deepest layers of Level Four and Level Five, to theories that he discovered revolutionary energy generating techniques, which are now in use by the American military. Why does America get everything? Why can’t we British have something for a change?


Back to Tesla. With his allegedly revolutionary energy machines, apparently the US are now using them in HAARP, which has to be ranked among the modern largest conspiracies. It’s an acronym, standing for High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, it’s used for analyzing the ionsphere. Basically, it’s a weather studying machine.

说回特斯拉。凭借着他所谓的革命性的能源机器,显然美国现在正在HAARP中使用它们,但这必须被列为现代最大的阴谋之一。HAARP是首字母缩写,代表高频有源极光研究计划(High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program),它被用来分析电离层。简而言之,它是一个研究天气的项目。


Of course, the public wouldn’t be satisfied with that boring answer, oh no. So they’ve come up with the idea that it can be used for weather control, mind control, or even as an energy weapon. Of those, only the last is even possible, let alone probable. Tesla created an energy weapon, his Teleforce death ray, so it’s possible.






These records are turning into history lessons. Oh well, it’s always good to know the background before you go in and investigate.


Going back to that paragraph about Mariana’s Web, I’ve also started researching quantum physics and the like. I say started because it’s incredibly complicated and it’s difficult for me to even make head or tail of it. What I grasp so far is that quantum physics is physics which is about things on microscopic levels. It gets confusing.


So, to wrap this record up:


1: There are no websites on the surface web that are about Mariana’s Web, other than pretend ones.


2: Apparently, Mariana’s Web deals with lots of code.


3: This code defies quantum physics.


4: Quantum physics is physics on a very, very small level.


So what’s this? Code defying gravity or something?


Ryan (BlueAdept) out.


