Record 1 | Lost Key

Record 1

Record #1

February 20 2013
Can I call it a record? It’s just that record sounds so much better than post,or blog post, or diary entry.

我可以称这为记录吗? 只是叫它为“记录”听起来比帖子、博客或日记好得多。

Eh, I never liked diaries. Too personal, and most of them don’t have locks. I wouldn’t want just anyone going through my day. Stalkers.


Record it is, then. Anyway.


My name is Ryan Henry Avery. Yes, it was a pirate’s name, get over it.

我叫瑞安·亨利·艾弗里(Ryan Henry Avery)。是的,这是一个海盗的名字,不要在意这些细节。

To the online community, I’m better known as BlueAdept.


Today I’m beginning my greatest ever project. It’s big, it’s bold, and it’s absolutely crazy.


To coin a phrase:


I’m going to win the Internet.


Have you ever heard of the Deep Web? There was a large scandal about it in the 1980, when it was first discovered. 1989? I have no idea when.


For those that don’t know, the Deep Web’s just parts of the internet that search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, all of those, can’t search in. They’re hidden. The person who came up with the word Deep Web described it as a fishing net – it goes across the sea, picking up the top layer of fish, but it can’t reach the deeper layers and pick up all the fish at the bottom.


When it was first found that hundreds of people were using the Deep Web for illegal purposes like drugs, weapons, child abuse (let’s not go there) – some people on there were even hiring hitmen, for goodness’ sake. It wasn’t a nice place to be for most people, and it really scared them.


I think what helped the most was when TOR came out. TOR stands for The Onion Browser. It’s a program that you can download and use to surf the internet in complete safety. Well, you still have to be sensible and not download any suspicious files, but you’re a lot more secure than usual.


Why is this? We’re going to have to get a bit technical.


The ISP (Internet Service Provider – it’s the company that gives you your internet, like BT or Virgin or AOL) provides you with an IP (Internet Protocol. The internet sure likes acronyms) address. This runs across all devices in your LAN (Local Area Network. It’s your home network, basically. Computer designers and their over complication of simple things).

ISP(互联网服务提供商——为你提供互联网的公司,像BT、Virgin或AOL)为你提供IP(互联网协议。互联网一定很喜欢缩写)地址。这将在你的局域网(Local Area Network,它基本上就是你的家庭网络。计算机设计者们总是喜欢把简单的事物复杂化。)内的所有设备上运行。

The IP is useful, but if people get a hold of it they can hack you or do other unpleasant things. What TOR does is hide your IP address and make it look like you’re using a different one, so you’re pretty much safe.

IP是很有用的,但是如果人们掌握了你的IP,他们可能会入侵你的电脑或做其他不好的事情。 TOR的作用是隐藏你的IP地址,并使其看起来像你在使用其他地址,因此你是非常安全的。

Unfortunately, this makes some people very scared. Hackers like Anonymous use the Deep Web, and people who were on there knew about WikiLeaks about a year before it was actually released and posted on their website.

然而,这仍然使一些人非常害怕。 像Anonymous这样的黑客们使用的是Deep Web,那里的人大约在维基解密的网址发布之前的一年前就已经知道了其中的内容。

People were terrified that there was a dark underbelly to the web they thought they knew so well.


I think the worst part was the fact that the police, the ‘authority figures’, were powerless to stop them. They just carried on trafficking and killing and breaking all the rules they knew, right under the noses of the police.


This sounds like a sci-fi plot, but it’s true. It’s still happening today.


This is all very well, but what do I want with it? I’m no drug dealer, or child trafficker, or hacker (although that last could be disputed by some – that ‘some’ being my online friends).


Okay, imagine the internet like an iceberg.


The ‘surface web’ is level one. It’s above the water, so to speak.


Then there’s ‘underground’ websites, but ones that are still on the surface web. These are more… what’s the word? Subjective? Eh… having more questionable content? That’ll do.


The third level requires a proper piece of software like TOR. It’s so easy toget, that most people can get to the next level with no trouble. The fourth level can be lumped here as well. This is where all the drug dealing is organized, and other bad, bad stuff like that. Of course, there are those who use it with good intentions, for purely legal reasons, but… the many eclipse the few.


Well, there are legends in the community of a fifth level. Some call it the control centre of variously the British, American, Korean, Chinese army databases and national military information. Top secret material. Others say it’s a hangout area for the top level hackers, the ones who can take down entire websites in one coordinated attack, the ones who don’t need a flashy website or a huge team, or even a team name. This is the land of tape over webcam, and lock in the door.


According to rumor.


Of course, nobody really knows what’s in there. Nobody’s even sure if it exists. You’ll always find those trolls and spammers who go around making wild claims of having ‘been to the eighth level’ and met some archons, or empaths, or even the internet itself. It’s more conspiracy, but frankly who believes that the world is run by ascended and mentally superior alien psychics who have created a Matrix-style simulation?




There’ll always be one who falls for it, though. Just like there’s one who always plays along just to get new book material.


Eh, I’m rambling.


So, that is my great goal, my magnum opus. Will it be possible? Only time will


Who said that? It’s quite a famous phrase now.


Does the success matter? It is the journey that you will cherish the most.


Ooh, I’m becoming quite the philosopher.


Let’s outline my goal:


1: There are levels of the internet.


2: The fifth level is not proven to exist.


3: The fifth level is rumoured to contain… something. Something special or important.


4: I’m going to prove or disprove the rumours.


5: I’m going to write updates on my project to keep details and so I can look back on it.


6: I am going to enjoy it.


My plan is to do a little research and send out a few emails to people I think might have some answers.


Good luck, myself.

Ryan (BlueAdept) out.


